A Farewell from Editor-in-Chief Cory Woodroof

As the old cliché goes, all good things must come to an end.  On Sunday, July 20, it will be time for me to say a goodbye to all of you, the readers of Lumination – at least in a sense. On that day, I will pass along one of the greatest batons I’ve ever had the chance to carry – the title of Lumination’s Editor-in-Chief. When I took over the position in December of 2012, I really had no idea what to expect. By that point, being editor of Lumination had been one of the main goals I hoped to achieve as a college student. Through all of the experiences I had while working as editor, I can safely say that the days between the one where I took over Lumination to the one where I publish this note have been some of the most important, rewarding days of my life. My time as editor has been a whirlwind of big stories, triumphant Bisons victories, crushing Bisons defeats, fascinating Lipscomb developments and mundane-yet-necessary updates. It’s consisted of late nights in the newsroom, good laughs with friends on staff, precious naps at home and hordes of emails in the inbox. I’ve had to make hard decisions in hard times and applaud brilliant work in times of great joy. Simply put, this has been one of the most hectic-yet-irreplaceable times of my life – one that cannot hold a price but would be worth its weight in gold to relive. While the time has come for me to step away from the editor’s role, Lumination’s future is as bright as...