EZELL CENTER (LTV) – In a world of tweets, Facebook relationships and Myspace music, Lipscomb University is taking a cyber step forward with today’s launch of Lumination Network.

But where did the name Lumination Network come from?

Lipscomb’s newly revamped department of communication and journalism sponsored a contest and encouraged students to submit their ideas for the name of the news service. Jeff Daniel, a sophomore pre-pharmacy student from Chattanooga, Tenn., came up with the winning idea.

“I discovered the contest late one night while checking my school email and decided to try to create a name,” said Daniel. “The idea of lumination came from a few different places. I was thinking about how we are called to be the light of the world, and also the church hymn ‘Shine Jesus Shine’ was stuck in my head that night.”

Daniel said he loves seeing God move about the campus. At one point during this school year, it looked like Daniel was going to have to transfer after the spring semester, but Daniel said that God has really opened up doors to allow him to stay and be a part of the Lipscomb community.

As the winner of the “Name Your News” contest, Daniel will receive a $25 iTunes gift card.

The Lumination Network allows students to be up-to-date with what is going on at Lipscomb and the Nashville area. Take a minute to view some of the Senior Profiles, Singarama coverage and Mission Trip journals.

Lumination Network will feature converged coverage — text, audio and video — that is a hallmark of media today. And the network has already enjoyed contributions from outside the department of communication and journalism; students in Jonathan Gillette’s Graphic Design Firm class designed the Lumination logo.

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